function loadDoc(time) { if (isNaN(time)) { time = document.getElementById("debugbar_loader").getAttribute("data-time"); localStorage.setItem('debugbar-time', time); } localStorage.setItem('debugbar-time-new', time); var url = ""; var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200) { var toolbar = document.getElementById("toolbarContainer"); if (!toolbar) { toolbar = document.createElement('div'); toolbar.setAttribute('id', 'toolbarContainer'); document.body.appendChild(toolbar); } // copy for easier manipulation let responseText = this.responseText; // get csp blocked parts // the style block is the first and starts at 0 { let PosBeg = responseText.indexOf( '>', responseText.indexOf( '', PosBeg ); document.getElementById( 'debugbar_dynamic_style' ).innerHTML = responseText.substr( PosBeg, PosEnd - PosBeg ); responseText = responseText.substr( PosEnd + 8 ); } // the script block starts right after style blocks ended { let PosBeg = responseText.indexOf( '>', responseText.indexOf( '' ); document.getElementById( 'debugbar_dynamic_script' ).innerHTML = responseText.substr( PosBeg, PosEnd - PosBeg ); responseText = responseText.substr( PosEnd + 9 ); } // check for last style block { let PosBeg = responseText.indexOf( '>', responseText.lastIndexOf( '', PosBeg ); document.getElementById( 'debugbar_dynamic_style' ).innerHTML += responseText.substr( PosBeg, PosEnd - PosBeg ); responseText = responseText.substr( 0, PosBeg + 8 ); } toolbar.innerHTML = responseText; if (typeof ciDebugBar === 'object') { ciDebugBar.init(); } } else if (this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 404) { console.log('CodeIgniter DebugBar: File "WRITEPATH/debugbar/debugbar_' + time + '" not found.'); } };"GET", url + "?debugbar_time=" + time, true); xhttp.send(); } if (window.ActiveXObject) { var oldXHR = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); } else { var oldXHR = window.XMLHttpRequest; } function newXHR() { var realXHR = new oldXHR(); realXHR.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() { if (realXHR.readyState === 4 && realXHR.status.toString()[0] === '2' && realXHR.responseURL.indexOf('debugbar_time') === -1) { if (realXHR.getAllResponseHeaders().indexOf("Debugbar-Time") >= 0) { var debugbarTime = realXHR.getResponseHeader('Debugbar-Time'); if (debugbarTime) { var h2 = document.querySelector('#ci-history > h2'); if (h2) { h2.innerHTML = 'History You have new debug data. '; var badge = document.querySelector('a[data-tab="ci-history"] > span > .badge'); badge.className += ' active'; } } } } }, false); return realXHR; } window.XMLHttpRequest = newXHR;